What is the reticular varicose vein. Symptoms, causes and risk factors for the appearance of reticulars in the foot. Methods for treatment of reticular vein development.
7 March 2025
You can learn more about the diet for varicose veins from our article.
2 December 2023
How are varicose veins treated with laser? Mechanism of action of laser on dilated veins. For whom the procedure will help, and for whom it will be useless. Step -by -step description of the process and patient feedback.
23 June 2022
Therapeutic exercises for leg varicose veins, lower leg vein training. Treatment of congenital and acquired diseases. Partial proposal.
10 May 2022
What are varicose veins and why do they appear? Signs and symptoms of the disease. How to get rid of varicose veins once and for all?
2 April 2022
What is the way to treat varicose veins on the lower legs with the help of traditional medicine (ointment recipes, baths, compresses).
18 March 2022
Choice of folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins and their use: ointments and compresses, rubs and photo collections, tinctures.
17 March 2022
Effective folk remedies and recipes for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs.
10 March 2022
How to treat varicose veins in men? The main symptoms of the disease and its stage. An effective method of treatment is conservative, surgical. Folk remedies and recipes.
19 February 2022
Causes and symptoms of varicose veins in the lower legs. How to treat varicose veins. How to treat varicose veins in the legs in pregnant women? Possible complications of varicose veins. Preventive methods and advice.
15 February 2022
Causes, main symptoms and most effective treatment options for esophageal varicose veins, indications for the use of medications. Methods of disease prevention.
13 January 2022
Why does it appear and how do varicose veins on the legs appear in men? What treatment methods are available? Which therapy is most effective? What are the alternative methods of exposure? Find out the answer to this question and other questions from the article.
10 January 2022
Anti-varicose bee cream: indications and contraindications, composition and action of the drug, application characteristics.
8 January 2022
The main causes, symptoms and stages of development of pelvic varicose veins in women. Choice of conservative therapy and surgery.
3 January 2022
The main symptoms of varicose veins in women, how to recognize the first signs.
1 January 2022
The first signs of varicose veins in the legs in women, as well as characteristic symptoms of the disease at different stages of development.
17 December 2021
Apple cider vinegar is the most effective folk remedy for treating varicose veins. Consider the rules for using this alternative treatment method, as well as information on how to use vinegar to treat varicose veins.
17 December 2021
It is very difficult to follow the beauty of the feet, so what can we say about their health? This article reviews effective methods to treat varicose veins in the legs.
12 December 2021
What are the symptoms of pelvic venous dilatation: treatment of this disease and why it occurs in women.
12 December 2021
Labial varicose veins in women: characteristics of manifestation, causes, methods of treatment and advice on prevention.
11 December 2021
Causes of varicose veins. How to get rid of varicose veins: lifestyle corrections, compression underwear, medications, exercise, surgical treatment, folk recipes.
8 December 2021
What compression underwear is better for varicose veins? What types, types and classes are divided into products from the disease? How to choose the right size? Answers in the article.
1 December 2021
Causes of varicose veins on the lower part of the legs, its symptoms, proper treatment. What to do if the internal veins in the legs hurt with varicose veins and how to get rid of the pain.
30 November 2021
Causes of development and symptoms characteristic of small pelvic varicose veins. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
26 November 2021
What are reticular varicose veins in the legs? How to cure reticular varicose veins? We talk about the signs, symptoms and treatment of the disease.
25 November 2021
Varicose veins or lower extremity varicose veins are the primary varicose transformation of the lower superficial veins, where "bumps" or "knots" appear on the legs. Consider the main symptoms, 6 stages of development and methods of treating varicose veins.
24 November 2021
Prevention of varicose veins in the legs in men and women can be carried out at home. For this, the folk remedies collected in the article are suitable.
19 November 2021
Varicose veins: causes and symptoms of the disease, modern methods of treating pathology.
19 November 2021
What are compression socks for varicose veins? How to choose the right compression underwear? Contraindications to the use of compression socks. Healing effect.
12 November 2021
Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins is an excellent folk remedy. There are several methods to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease. Oral administration, bathing, compressing, rubbing relieve the condition, improve the condition of veins and capillaries.
10 November 2021
The article describes the method of treating varicose veins on the legs in women with the help of medicines and folk remedies.
31 October 2021
Drug treatment can be effective, but can bring side effects. Another thing is the treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies, including tinctures, compresses, infusions and decoctions, juice therapy, lotions.
22 October 2021
The main methods of treating varicose veins in the legs are effective remedies for varicose veins, laser treatment of the disease, RFO, water treatment, and wearing special knitwear. Surgery and folk remedies.
21 October 2021
Varicose veins in the lower legs - symptoms of the disease, prevention, pictures of problem areas. Methods of treatment with conservative methods and surgery.
18 September 2021
Varicose veins in the legs: the main cause of the development of this disease. Diagnostics and methods of treatment of varicose veins, preventive recommendations.
18 September 2021
Varicose veins: the cause of the onset of the disease, its symptoms and clinical manifestations. Diagnosis of varicose veins and methods of its treatment.
18 September 2021
Uterine varicose veins: pathological causes and symptoms. How to treat the disease: taking medication, exercise therapy and diet, surgery. What are the dangers of uterine varicose veins and how to prevent their development.
9 September 2021
How to choose medical compression socks (stockings, underwear, knees, tights)? How to choose a size? What underwear is best for varicose veins and for pregnant women? The answers to these questions and related in the article of the phlebologist.
23 July 2021
What are compression stockings and for what? Indications and contraindications for wearing compression underwear. How to choose compression stockings against varicose veins?
15 July 2021
The first wreaths that come out on the feet and periodic edema are not always bothersome. But maybe it’s worth starting treatment right away to avoid irreversible consequences?
13 July 2021
Indications for surgery for varicose veins. Contraindications to surgical treatment of varicose veins. Types of surgery: sclerotherapy techniques, laser coagulation, venous ligation, removal of dilated vessels and stripping. Consequences of surgery and recovery.
25 June 2021
Massage for varicose veins has a therapeutic effect as part of a complex conservative therapy. What massage can be done for varicose veins? Types, techniques, contraindications.
23 June 2021
Why do veins in the legs hurt and varicose veins occur? Causes of the development of varicose veins in the extreme part. Symptoms of the disease.
12 June 2021
Causes of varicose veins and possible complications of varicose veins. Male and female predisposing factors. Principles of treatment of varicose veins and its prevention.
11 June 2021
What are Varicose Veins? Symptoms of varicose veins. Recipes and methods to get rid of varicose veins.
5 June 2021
Causes of the development of varicose veins on the legs and methods of its treatment: drugs for external use, drug therapy, surgery, hirudotherapy, exercise, recipes of traditional medicine.
22 March 2021
Types of varicose veins during pregnancy (vagina, labia, perineal area), symptoms of varicose veins in the genital organs, causes of disease, diagnosis, classical treatment and with the help of folk remedies, dangers and complications, preventive measures.
11 January 2021
Benefits and rules for performing therapeutic exercises for varicose veins. Preventive gymnastics.
10 January 2021
Laser treatment of varicose veins: the essence of the procedure, instructions and contraindications. How to prepare for the procedure and how it is performed, recovery after surgery. Results and possible consequences.
10 January 2021
Varicose veins: the essence of the problem, the degree of development of venous insufficiency differs in the manifestation characteristics (compensation, subcompensation, decompensation), pathological diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
30 December 2020
What are varicose veins: the essence of the disease. Causes and symptoms, diagnostic options and methods of treatment, prevention of varicose veins.
29 December 2020
Causes of varicose veins, symptoms of the disease and preventive measures. Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with traditional medicine: garlic with butter, green tomatoes, sour milk with wormwood, nettle, hop cones, nutmeg, cream, apples, mashed potatoes.
7 December 2020
Causes of varicose veins in the legs, symptoms of the disease, diagnosis, prevention. Treatment of varicose veins: conservative (diet, physical exercise, compression therapy, drug therapy) and surgery.
4 December 2020
The most effective drug reviews for the treatment of varicose veins: drug therapy, tablets, ointments and creams, compression garments and recipes for traditional medicine.
26 November 2020
The influence of heredity and bad habits on the development of varicose veins in men. Causes, signs and symptoms, stages of development of venous disease. Methods for treating varicose veins in men: conservative therapy and medication, surgical intervention.
20 November 2020
The main difference between gels and ointments for the treatment of varicose veins. Purpose and use, types of drugs: phlebotonics and anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory, varicose vein gel based on natural ingredients.
18 November 2020
Indications and contraindications for phlebectomy and endoven laser coagulation, stages of surgery to remove leg veins, efficiency, features.
18 November 2020
Who needs varicose vein prevention and what is the point? Prophylaxis with medicines, folk remedies and alternative methods. The basics of proper nutrition.
7 November 2020
Treatment of varicose veins on the legs with folk remedies: rules and restrictions of use, tinctures and infusions, compresses, rubbing, medicinal drinks, fresh juices, ointments, preventive methods.
6 November 2020
Varicose veins on the legs in women: the main symptoms, the dangers of the disease, developmental factors, treatment (drugs, apparatus therapy, folk methods, surgery), preventive measures.
5 November 2020
The main cause of the development and symptoms of varicose veins in the small pelvis. Disease classification, diagnostic options. Effective methods and methods of treatment. Possible complications and prognosis.
4 November 2020
Causes and risk factors for varicose veins in the small pelvis, disease characteristics, treatment and prevention, as well as possible complications.
1 November 2020
Varicose veins during pregnancy: what are varicose veins, what causes them, developmental risk factors, symptoms, whether they will get worse and what to do for pregnant women, treatment, preventive advice, varicose veins after childbirth, as well as complications of varicose veins.
7 October 2020
Review of effective medicines and folk remedies for varicose veins, especially their use for the treatment of this disease.
4 October 2020
Causes, manifestations and symptoms of small pelvic varicose veins in women. Methods of pathological treatment: drugs and folk remedies, surgical intervention.
4 October 2020
What does a varicose vein look like on the hand and why it appears: the possible cause. Symptoms, methods of treatment, prevention and possible complications.
1 October 2020
Treatment of varicose veins on the legs: tinctures for internal intake, herbal decoctions, fresh juices for the vascular system, wraps and compresses, exercise, medicinal ointments, water and cognac, diet used.
30 September 2020
Causes of varicose veins in the legs during pregnancy. Signs and symptoms of the disease. Safe and effective treatment methods, preventive measures.
11 September 2020
Causes of the development of varicose veins in the legs. Under what symptoms conservative treatment can be removed and in what cases is surgical intervention required.
11 September 2020
What is allowed and recommended to do with varicose veins. Prohibited Activities.
11 September 2020
Causes and characteristics of the development of varicose veins in women, possible pathological complications. Methods of treatment and preventive measures.
10 September 2020
Varicose veins: risk factors and preventive measures. Other known risk factors. Complications of varicose veins. Symptoms and diagnosis. Treatment.
29 May 2020
Varicose veins are the veins of the lower extremities is a very serious and dangerous disease. Varicose veins are the veins of the lower extremities. The causes of the disease. Symptoms may appear. All of those elements. The diagnostic study. Hassle-free. How to deal with the creams.
22 April 2020
Varicose veins are formed when the wrong one while the blood in his veins. Varicose veins of the extension of the lower extremities, most often develops in persons occupied in sedentary difficult, and after 40 years of age or older.
30 March 2020
Before agreeing to surgery for varicose veins, for and against to weigh all I need. If you still have any doubts, try to understand the situation.
3 March 2020
How to cure varicose veins of the lower limbs what to do to prevent it? You should read the article about the treatment of varicose veins in the legs.
3 March 2020
You need to take care of your health ahead of time, and because of this, you should know what needs to be done in the case of varicose veins, and are not permitted to in any way. Moderate exercise, a proper diet, and a visit to a doctor is the key to the recovery of varicose veins.
29 December 2019
What are varicose veins in the legs? Causes, diagnosis, and treatment methods to analyse in this article.
24 December 2019
Varicose veins in the initial stages may have special medications and creams. They also help the weak, the blood to return to his former tone. If the the signs of varicose veins, the feet become more powerful, so it's worth to use the hardware, the therapy re-establishes the normal blood circulation.
24 December 2019
What are varicose veins? The causes and the symptoms of the disease, ways of treatment and prevention.
17 November 2019
What are the varicose veins are, symptoms, causes, risk factors, and prevention. The dangerous complications of varicose veins: thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, venous insufficiency and trophic ulcers.
17 November 2019
The treatment of varicose veins, the long and extensive process. If the condition still does not start, you may be provided a means of folk medicine, and herbs to improve the condition of the vein, but in more complex cases, it is necessary to turn to account.
16 November 2019
What is the disease, what are the causes and symptoms, how to cure, drug, surgical ways and means be popular, as well as the preventive measures later in the article.
16 November 2019